animation short films France Summer '96 Every summer, Paul’s family has a picnic on a small French island accessible only at low-tide. When the tide takes them by surprise this year, they’re forced to spend the night on the beach. In this beautiful hand-drawn tale, a young boy wrestles with the eternal between the world of adults and t...
animation films Poland Slow Light Born blind, the hero of this film turns seven before he begins to see images from the past — and they soon follow him like a curse. Like light from stars which have long since died, the things and people he sees are often long gone. A tragic story told beautifully with a variety of animation tech...
animation experimental student short films Australia Caffeinism Blending abstract 2D animation and a carefully crafted soundtrack, Caffeinism explores the transformative experience of drinking a cup of coffee. Immersing viewers in a vibrant, sensory journey, the film contemplates how caffeine influences both the physical and emotional realms of human existence.
animation films Germany Pirouette When a toy ballerina’s support breaks inside her music box she suddenly finds herself in a strange world. Her world is changing and she is struck by misfortune, but could there be hope for a new beginning?
animation films Portugal Ice Merchants Set in a precariously perched house on a cliff, this gorgeously animated film follows a father and son who parachute down to sell ice in the village each day until one day an unexpected warm-spell forces them to make a dramatic leap of faith. This film received a ton of awards, including an Oscar...
animation short history films Canada Witch Woman A dazzling stop-motion animation film that depicts one of the world’s most ancient stories: the fear of women’s power and knowledge of birth and motherhood.
animation drama short films Czechia Electra In this incredible hybrid stop-motion and live action short, Electra revisits the vivid fantasy world of her 10th birthday mixing childhood memories with surreal visions of rebellion, sexuality, and unresolved familial emotions.
animation short student stop motion films France Human Resources In this darkly comic stop motion animation, Andy goes to a recycling company where the secretary, Wanda, guides him through to the end.
animation short films Czechia My Name is Edgar and I Have a Cow A delightful animated film which follows Edgar as his life is disrupted by a newborn calf he sees on a tourist trip to a slaughterhouse. This film will have you giggling with glee thanks to its quirky animation and matter-of-fact narration.
animation student films France Swing to the Moon Swing to the Moon follows an ambitious spider on an impossible quest to reach the moon. Adorable character design, studio-quality animation, and a story full of heart and adventure make this film a stand-out for audiences of all ages. This was a thesis short film from students at French digital a...
animation short films Canada Boat People A short but powerful look at survival and the lasting impacts of history on human lives. Based on the widely celebrated storybook The Paper Boat from Toronto children's author and illustrator Thao Lam. As a child, Thao's mother would save ants from drowning, and later, in a twist of fate, ants he...